
Strengthening Self-Reliance: TVET and Skills Education for Youth in Jordan

14 Jul 2024
TVET and skills education programs are a critical pathway for providing Jordanians and refugees with technical and personal skills to facilitate their integration into the labor market and enhance their self-reliance, challenges remain. Limited access to vocational and technical education opportunities is increasingly recognized as a pivotal obstacle to addressing youth unemployment and poverty.


Strengthening Self-Reliance: TVET and Skills Education for Youth in Jordan

TVET and skills education programs are a critical pathway for providing Jordanians and refugees with technical and personal skills to facilitate their integration into the labor market and enhance their self-reliance, challenges remain. Limited access to vocational and technical education opportunities is increasingly recognized as a pivotal obstacle to addressing youth unemployment and poverty.

Through TVET and skills education, Jordanian youth and refugees gain marketable skills, enabling them to access employment opportunities, establish businesses, and contribute to the local economy. Additionally, TVET programs offer refugees alternative livelihood options, reducing vulnerability to exploitation and abuse by providing economic independence.

On #WorldYouthSkillsDay, we are sharing research conducted by ARDD’s Renaissance Strategic Center (RSC), titled “Strengthening Self-Reliance: TVET and Skills Education for Youth in Jordan” within the framework of the “Investing in the Future: Improving the Livelihoods and Education of Minority Refugee Groups within Society in Jordan” project. This project, implemented by ARDD in collaboration with Vision Hope International, is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The research delves into the legal, economic, and educational vulnerabilities faced by Yemeni, Somali, and Sudanese asylum seekers and refugees (AS/R) in Jordan, provides an overview of the current TVET system in Jordan, and focuses on the challenges, opportunities, and gaps in TVET and skills for Yemeni, Somali, and Sudanese AS/R individuals. Lastly, it outlines the way forward, emphasizing key advocacy messages and offering essential recommendations to donors, civil society organizations, the private sector, the Government of Jordan, and TVET and skills providers.

The study emphasizes the necessity of a strong, high-quality TVET system, from which refugees and Jordanians alike can benefit, to enhance the necessary skills for the labor market and increase the efficiency and productivity of the workforce, thereby contributing to economic growth.