

Human Rights and Freedom of Expression and Youth Political Participation

This policy brief focuses on the link between respect for human rights, freedom of expression, political participation, democratic participation in political parties, institutions, and civil society organizations, and social and civic spaces.


Human Rights and Freedom of Expression and Youth Political Participation

This policy brief focuses on the link between respect for human rights, freedom of expression, political participation, democratic participation in political parties, institutions, and civil society organizations, and social and civic spaces.
The brief is an output of the Youth Civic and Political Participation Policy Labs, conducted by the Arab Renaissance and Democracy (ARDD) in partnership with the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan, as part of the New Generation Program. It highlights the third session of the lab that addressed Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, and Youth Political Participation, and what twenty political science and law students from the University of Jordan discussed in this regard. Following the labs´ work methodology, the session hosted legal consultant Adv. Rami Qweider and moderated by human rights expert Dr. Riyad Sobh.

Policy Labs are part of ARDD’s research methodology, providing a dedicated space for discussing and researching public policy issues to enhance youth capacities and equip them with the necessary skills to engage in public policy-making processes. The labs also facilitate exchanging opinions with experts and researchers specialized in relevant topics, based on background papers prepared to address these issues.