
A Reading into the Projects Stipulated for Jordan in the “Deal of the Century”

13 Feb 2020
Dr. Yusuf Mansur, Former Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Economic Expert at ARDD, presents a reading into the Projects Stipulated for Jordan in the “Deal of the Century” that offers Jordan 15 economic projects with a stated value of US$7365 million over a period of ten years


A Reading into the Projects Stipulated for Jordan in the “Deal of the Century”

Dr. Yusuf Mansur, Former Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Economic Expert at ARDD, presents a reading into the Projects Stipulated for Jordan in the “Deal of the Century” that offers Jordan 15 economic projects with a stated value of US$7365 million over a period of ten years. These projects are described in the “Deal” on pages 131-132 under the title, “Strengthening Regional Development and Integration”. The projects will be implemented upon sealing the “Deal” by the parties concerned in three phases: the first phase spans 4 years; the second, 5 to 7 years and the third, 8 to 10 years.

Dr. Mansur examins these projects and questions their feasibility and impact, and concludes that: “It is obvious that these projects are not well thought-out as some of them are ambiguous and uncertain in respect to sources of funding, and they are not among Jordan’s developmental priorities, but rather are among Israeli security priorities. These projects support the scenario refused by the leadership and people of Jordan, and their present value is significantly less than what is promised in the “Deal.” Thus, these projects that are purported to be of help to Jordan, would in actuality increase Jordan’s debt burden without adding any developmental value.”