

Transformations in the Arab World and the questions of the renaissance

The Arab region has been undergoing rapid transformations for over a decade. However, the question of individual resistance to change is a normal question to ask from a sociological perspective, as it is a psychological issue that societies go through for


Transformations in the Arab World and the questions of the renaissance

The Arab region has been undergoing rapid transformations for over a decade. However, the question of individual resistance to change is a normal question to ask from a sociological perspective, as it is a psychological issue that societies go through for fear of the unknown. The experience of Arab transformation urgently needs to establish evaluation systems on which to build an evaluation process, which should result from clear and objective scientific indicators.

Hence, the booklet discusses the issue of transformations in the Arab world and the renaissance project, taking into account the nature of Arab transformations – their dynamics, accumulations, timing, speed, multiplicity, sudden and gradual transformations, their sustainability, and whether they are linked to a renaissance project or dependent on events. Moreover, the booklet sheds light on experiences of Arab transformations, evaluating them in terms of success and failure, and their potential impact on societal culture, not just on the superficial level. The booklet also takes a look at the roles of those involved in transformations, governments, and peoples, and the possibility of adjusting the pace of transformation.

The booklet reviews papers presented by a group of philosophy professors, namely: Prof. Mostafa El-Nashar (Egypt), Prof. Magdy Abdel Hafez Saleh (Egypt), Prof. Esmat Hussein Sayed Nassar (Egypt), and Prof. Abdullah El Sayed Weld Abah (Mauritania), and Prof. Shaya Al-Wagayan (Saudi Arabia).


The material is in Arabic
