Women and Youth Empowerment

Women and Youth Empowerment

Youth and women are drivers of change in the Arab world, leading community-based interventions, integrating new technologies in the economy, building a sustainable future, and consolidating democratic processes. This is done despite the regional context marked by various conflicts and crises, increasing economic stagnation, and social discontent, which are particularly affecting these segments of the population.

The Renaissance Strategic Center’s research agenda on Women and Youth Empowerment aims to frame the main policies on women and youth-related areas in development and humanitarian action, identify processes that are driving change in the region, shed light on leading experiences, and provide opportunities that will support the upscaling of youth and women-led actions. The results of the research and its related processes will strengthen agency for women, girls, and youth, and help their voices to be heard.

ARDD launched the Al Nahda Youth Network on August 12, 2020, the International Youth Day. The network functions as an umbrella for organizing youth efforts and programming based on the Renaissance project and literature.

Al Nahda Women’s Network works under ARDD´s umbrella, which includes women from different sectors, who work to support each other and promote their success in various fields.

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