By Maryam Zawaideh
Hello, my name is Maryam Zawaideh. I am 15 years old and a freshman in high school, I interned at the Renaissance Strategic Center (RSC), the think tank of the Jordanian NGO Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) for three weeks.
As a young person, this was an immensely rewarding experience that provided me with invaluable skills and insights.
At the RSC, I had the opportunity to work in a professional office environment, which enhanced my organizational and interpersonal skills. The team's dedication deeply inspired me, and I learned many things about the complex issues affecting the Arab region.
This included gaining a better understanding of regional crises, women and youth empowerment, and the legal frameworks that support human rights. This inspired me to learn and study more about these topics.
As a teenager who never had any experience working in a professional environment, this internship helped me step out of my comfort zone and take on new responsibilities. I learned important skills, like how to communicate effectively and work well with others. This experience made me feel more capable and confident in my abilities, and it showed me how dedication and hard work can make a big difference. It has helped prepare me for the future, whether I decide to pursue a career in law, human rights, or any other field where I can help others. It was a key step in my personal and professional growth, giving me the skills and confidence to help overcome future challenges.
Moreover, being part of the RSC internship program, I had the chance to meet many skillful interns of different ages and backgrounds. I benefited greatly working with others and peer tutoring, especially from Lily, an American student of Human Rights and Global Justice. She is about 6 years older than me. And she became a mentor to me, guiding me through different tasks and challenges. She patiently taught me how to work in an office and explained the different tasks and the rest of the work we were doing. She always encouraged me and boosted my confidence when I felt unsure about something. Watching her handle responsibilities so well inspired me to improve my skills. The way she helped me was important for my growth, teaching me the value of teamwork, communication, and dedication. Working with her also taught me about studying abroad, going to university, and eventually finding a job that you love.
I also had the privilege of working with Odetta Pizzingrilli, Office Manager of the Renaissance Strategic Center (RSC). She introduced me to everyone in the office and made me feel extremely welcomed and supported from the beginning. Her extensive experience and deep understanding of the organization's work were very helpful to me. She patiently taught me how to do office tasks, from finding websites for press reviews to learning about policy briefs and infographics. Her guidance and support enriched my internship experience. Watching her work inspired me to be just as competent and dedicated. Thanks to her guidance and mentorship, I am more aware of what such a job demands.
Another aspect I would like to highlight is the fact that ARDD is a remarkable organization led by a team of dedicated and talented women. Their leadership, unique perspective and strong commitment deeply inspired me. The women at ARDD create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. This female-led team not only highlights the organization's commitment to gender equality but also sets a powerful example for young interns like me. Seeing women in these leadership roles has been incredibly motivating, showing that with hard work and dedication, and proper education one can make a significant impact.
Throughout the weeks, I had the chance to meet some of these incredible women such as the Head of Aid Department and Zainab Alkhalil (Program Manager of Livelihood and Economic Protection).
In the meeting with the Head of Aid Department, I learned a lot about how legal aid helps people who can't afford a lawyer. She explained how ARDD supports these people, making sure everyone gets fair treatment in legal matters. I found out about the different cases they work on, like family issues and human rights, and the challenges they face. She explained to me how important legal aid is, how empathy is crucial in legal work, and how dedicated professionals can really make a difference.
In the meeting with Ms. Zainab, I learned a lot about how ARDD supports vulnerable women and youth. She shared stories about women that, with ARDD help, managed to overcome difficult situations. Thanks to Ms. Zainab, I learned the importance of providing legal support to vulnerable women and how empowering them can make a huge difference in their lives and communities.
Overall, my experience with RSC/ARDD boosted my confidence, taught me valuable skills, and deepened my understanding of the humanitarian field. While working alongside dedicated professionals and learning from inspiring mentors, this internship has motivated me to continue pursuing work that makes a difference. I can now say that I have gained many different skills that will help me in the future. This internship was such a great and memorable experience for many reasons. I have learned more than what I expected, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a great team, and I will carry these lessons with me always.